Drink Clean Water:
EMF Protection:
Immune Support:
Spiritual Intelligence:
Online Resources
Mentors and Leaders of Applied Kinesiology
Dr. Chris Astill-Smith
Dr. John Bandy
Dr. Richard Belli
Dr. Robert Blaich
Dr. John Brimhall
Dr. Robert Ciprian
Dr. Howard Cohn
Dr. Sheldon Deal
Dr. John Diamond
Dr. Tim Francis
Dr. Stephen Gangemi
Dr. Hans Garten
Dr. Tracy Gates
Dr. Charles Heroux
Dr. David Leaf
Dr. Michael Lebowitz
Dr. Seung Lee Fong
Dr. Kerry McCord
Dr. Evan Mlandenoff
Dr. Robert Morrison
Dr. Jose Palomar
Dr. Eric Pierotti
Dr. R. Thomas Roselle
Dr. Walter Schmitt
Dr. Joe Shafer
Dr. Kurt Vreeland
Dr. Scott Walker
Dr. Susan Walker
Dr. John Wittle